Dearest Family and Friends,
This past week was so wonderful!!! We were pretty busy with seeing
people and doing service! The Elders and us raked Sister Sydney Johnson's yard
full of leaves (cause in the south you have to rake in the spring time too...?)
we had over 70 BIG bags full of leaves and it took us 4 hours! We still have
half of her back yard to do! It was a lot of fun though! I really love doing
service! :) The next morning we all went and helped a member's friend pack up
her house! Great work and we had fun talking to her friends about the
Friday is poured all day long!!! By the evening time the wind was
so strong that the rain was coming down sideways! We had a flash flood warning
when we were eating dinner at a member’s friend’s super nice condo! His bottom
floor was flooding so that was quite an adventure cleaning it up, but
everything turned out good. His boat almost sank though!
Saturday Teyla was baptized!!! Woot woot! :) It was a small and
simple, but spiritual service. She was so excited to be clean! It was very exciting
to see her 'glowing' once she came out of the water! Also her dad was able to
baptize her! We weren't sure if he could but that was a small miracle!
Easter Sunday was so incredible! Sister Clouse and I were asked by
Elder George to go out to Parris Island (Marine base) with them Sunday morning!
There were two girls (female recruits) who want to be baptized so we get
to teach them!!! :) It was so AWESOME! The services are 2 hours long. First we
had sacrament meeting. Girls sit on the left and boys on the right side of the
room. They are not allowed to interact with each other. There were 9 girls
there (a record high) and 13 guys. 5 of them were nonmembers and of that 5, 4
were girls! Sister Clouse and I were asked to speak during sacrament meeting...
I chose the Atonement and shared with them Alma 7:11-13, one of my favorite
chapters in the BOM! Sister Clouse did a great job talking about obedience and
following our Savior. :) After Sacrament meeting we had a 10 minute break
before we broke up into our Sunday school classes. Apparently the Male recruits
really miss having female interaction so they pretty much cornered (literately)
Sister Clouse and me during those 10 minutes! lol! We were "saved" by
Elder George coming to get us. haha! ;) Sunday School went really well! We
taught the 4 nonmembers and 3 members, 2 of them are recent converts! We went
over the Restoration and it was incredible to have the RC's bare testimony of
the truths! Two of the girls really want to be baptized and the other two want
to learn more! I can't wait to go next week! :)
At Beaufort ward we had a tiny miracle happen in Relief society!
We've been visiting a less active we haven't known if we should keep going, if it’s
helping or if she truly likes us coming over. So an answer to our prayer was
her daughter, who is less active herself raised her hand and thanked us for
visiting her mom every week. She loves us coming over, it is helping and it is
an answer to her prayers. :) I love how much our Heavenly Father knows us and
loves us!
After Church we had a lesson with Kim. We have been praying to
know when we should bring up baptism again. Before we left we both had the
prompting that today was the day to ask her how she felt about it. During our
lesson I felt like I needed to ask her and I did. She pondered it for a bit and
then said "I would like to be baptized in the church." The spirit was
so strong that I started crying and then S. Clouse started crying and her
husband Joe started crying too! We are so happy and excited for her! Joe had no
idea if she wanted to or not, so he was just as surprised as us! :) They will
be out of town for a month though! :( so she will be getting baptized the end
of May or beginning of June. She is so ready for this! She was beaming with
excitement and happiness when she told us! :)
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and were able to remember
our savior. It is incredible to testify that He lives! That he loves us, each
and every one of us! He died for us so that we can live with Him again! I am so
grateful to share this message with the people her in Beaufort South Carolina!
I love you all very much! Keep smiling and know that Jesus loves YOU! :)
~ Sister Tara Willie
At Teyla's baptism!
With Kim! She got us chocolate fish that say Jesus! We love them! :)
We had Easter dinner @ the Chambers and I got to hold a duck!!! hehe!